
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Finding Inspiration in Radiant Orchid

Some colors are just easier to work with.  Last year Pantone introduced emerald green, loved it! Such a rich color that looked great in so many different ways; interiors, patio decor, clothing, hand bags ~ you name it, the color worked. And that's how it goes every year, Pantone has this knack for introducing a color that isn't new but we inject it into our lives as though seeing it for the very first time.

This year is no exception.  Pantone is helping us re-discover orchid and I have to admit we're excited. How easy it will be use orchid in the every day.  From subtle overlays of the color to bold, sweeping statements I have a hunch radiant orchid will find its way in to every wardrobe, interior and accessory.

While perusing the web we came across some great inspirations for introducing the beautiful color to you, we hope you're inspired!

How will you use Pantone's Radiant Orchid?

Kitchen Collage:
Collage 1: manicure: BH Cosmetics, Ring: Tiffany & Co. amethyst ring, Orchid Sweater: Cupcakes & Cashmere
Interior Inspiration: Olioboard

Interior Collage: Backlit Amethyst, Icon Stone & Tile ~ Paint Collage: ~ Lilac Chairs: