Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Artistry of Glass Beads

Once upon a time I was very crafty. Everything from decoupage to embroidery to the time Rhonda and I cut, measured and sewed four jean quilts for the cabin bunkhouse in a mere weekend. Those quilts are still on the bunkbeds and still look great!

Well, times have changed and so have schedules. Crafts do not make it onto my top 10 to do list any longer. But that momentarily changed when I was offered safety goggles and a blow torch. The crafter in me resurfaced.

During a three hour introductory bead making course at Bavin Glassworks in Invermere BC, my sisters and I donned our fashionable safety gear. We were instructed in the basics of glass bead making; how to wave the glass rod of our choice back and forth through the flame of the torch to begin the melting process. We learned how to catch the glass onto a madrel and how to twist the mandrel creating a circular bead. We also learned how to add different colors, even texture, using the same techniques and different colored glass.

Our finished beads didn't look half bad, and after stringing them along with some pretty silver spacers onto jewelry wire, they were worn with pride and gave us some pretty interesting dinner conversation. My love affair with jewelry continues. At The Willows we have an excellent selection of jewelry from Thomas Sabo and Troll Beads.

Many Troll Beads are glass beads and although manufactured on a much larger scale, the principles of glass bead making apply. Enjoy this video of a very skilled glass bead artist.

We encourage many of our jewelry clients to start a wish list in store. From there, anyone wanting to buy a gift for them can pick out exactly the right bead, and still make it a surprise. It is also a great way to build on a family keepsake.

This video shares a keepsake Troll Bead bracelet being created over the years. Enjoy!

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