Sunday, May 1, 2011

Decorating with Clocks


Each day we are given 86, 400 seconds to live, love, laugh, cook, clean, shop, sleep, and everything else in between. Time can pass slowly. Most days there never seems to be enough time. There are countless books, articles and workshops on how to embrace efficiency and make the most of the time we have.

Well, we're not experts and we can't necessarily tell you how to be more efficient with your time. But we CAN make sure how you tell time is stylish, elegant, sophisticated and decorative.

Clocks make an interesting accent in any home. They can be a striking piece on a feature wall and bring style to a kitchen or den. Clocks are also an item you can have multiples of in a home. Each bedroom certainly needs the right clock, in fact almost any room in the house could and should have a great clock or timepiece within view.

With a new shipment in store, we wanted to share our favourites with you. 

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